Better IRB experience for Rails developers
I’ve been using irb sessions on the terminal for a long time to explore the Ruby language. Sometimes for larger Rails apps I’ll also use it to test Ruby-isms that fall into more edge case territory rather than the Rails console due to general bootup time.
However, a common gotcha that impacts all Rails developers is the differences between the standard Ruby library and Rails provided behaviors such as ActiveSupport. This can derail (pun intended) this use case. However, there’s an easy work around to that! Simply require ActiveSupport.
require 'active_support/all'
# Can also selectively load only the parts of ActiveSupport you need.
# For example string extensions:
require 'active_support/core_ext/string'
If you’d like to make this behavior optional you could always define it in a method and call it when you need it.
On Demand ActiveSupport Example
def load_active_support
require 'active_support/all'
On Demand ActiveModel Example
This could extend to other Rails provided as well.
def load_active_model
require 'active_model'
# Most parts of rails provide `eager_load!` method to load eager loaded classes.
# May or may not be necessary depending on your use case.
The “.irbrc” file
To make these methods always available create a .irbrc
file in your home directory (for example
run touch ~/.irbrc
) and include the examples above. Your irb session will now have these methods
available automatically!